East African Mangroves


Coastal communities in Eastern Africa depend on the mangrove ecosystems for employment, livelihood, and nutrition. In recent decades, these coastal areas have been urbanized at unprecedented rates. Mangrove forests were converted into other land use. Coupled with a lack of effective governance, mangroves were overexploited and over-harvested. The destruction of the mangrove forests also contributed to the loss of critical habitats for many organisms. Threatening the livelihoods of these impoverished communities, pushing them further into poverty.

This is Sample East African Mangroves Projects

The importance of this project:

This project aims to empower the impoverished coastal community to break the poverty cycle. In restoring the mangrove estuary, which is rich in biodiversity, this project will provide fishing grounds for local people. This helps to create additional income streams, including sustainable harvests from the mangrove forests. The restored forests will also help to stabilize coastlines. This will act as a vital line of defense to protect the land and the communities during tropical storms.

33,000+ 🌳

trees will be planted.

3,300+ 🌳

hectares of forests will reforested.

65,300+ πŸ‘©β€πŸŒΎπŸ‘¨β€πŸŒΎ

hours of local work are being invested.

80% 🎣

of global fish catch relies on mangroves.

Impacts & Benefits:

  • Revitalizing and reestablishing mangrove ecosystems in areas where they have been degraded or lost
  • Planting and nurturing mangrove trees and other vegetation in coastal zones to prevent erosion, reduce carbon, and enhance biodiversity
  • Reviving fishing grounds that help to create additional income streams
  • Empower the impoverished coastal community to break the poverty cycle
  • Protect the land and the communities during tropical storms