Plantd allows you to effortlessly plant trees worldwide with just a few clicks. Your single contribution supports reforestation across the globe. Explore all of the amazing projects we partner with below.
Every dollar spent plants 1 tree! Big or small, every contribution can make a difference. Doing your part has never been so easy!
In Senegal, the traditional crop intensification model has fallen short, endangering livelihoods, depleting soils, reducing biodiversity, and worsening the impacts of climate change. The widespread practice of peanut monocropping has had significant environmental and economic consequences. Although the Ndankou and Patte Forests have been effectively managed in the past, they are now threatened by expanding peanut farming and declining forest cover.
trees are being planted.
hectares of forests are being reforested.
hours of local work were created.
higher productivity than monoculture systems over a decade.